Saturday, August 8, 2009

rushed second post

To the Sallie Mae representative who denied my deferrment: stop being a jerk.

To others that I love and miss:

After spending four days in Cotonou sequestered in a compound with fifty-five other would-be peace corps volunteers, i moved in with my host family in Porto Novo. it's been mostly very comfortable, they have both electricity and running water. I have a host brother Camille who is ten, a host sister Cady who is fifteen, another host sister Sarah (21) and another host brother Cadiou (28). My french is improving quite a bit due to both the living situation and the sixteen hours of french class a week. I am having a blast riding my bike around Porto Novo and hanging out with other stagieres at various buvettes. I have a number of posts that I would like to, at some point, put up here but I dont have the time at the moment. It's going to have to wait until I have an opportunity to get to Cotonou again. I find out about my post next Friday, which is really exciting. I also start actually teaching students for Model School starting the week after.

that is probably enough for right now.


  1. I'm quite excited for you. Also, where are the pictures of the special zombie guest at your going away party on your facebook? Can't find them... Don't forget to teach your students Back in Black.


  2. Sarah-

    I'm about to write you an e-mail, but in case you check this first, Happy Birthday (in about 7 hours...I heard everything is very slow over there) to my little girl who suddenly grew up
    (the time went too quick).

    We are just getting over spring weather here in Pine Bush. Did you know that we had our coolest (and wettest) July in history? Today
    it's supposed to hit 90 degrees. Then some showers and then we're supposed to get some average August weather (low 80's and no rain for about a week.

    Anyway, I'll write the brunt of it on your e-mail. Your mom mailed your running shoes yesterday. We all miss you and love you.


  3. miss you like whoa homegirl! keep the posts coming!
